Non-Binary Dictionary

An online dictionary of language used by and for the non-binary community. Terms are grouped alphabetically by usage.

This is an evolving project. We encourage non-binary people and knowledgable allies to submit any other language or terminology you would like to see included.

The author and curator of this dictionary uses they/them/their pronouns.

Gender-Affirming Terms for Non-Binary Family Members


The format here will be:


Term - Definition




Children & Younger Generations

Child - Gender-neutral alternative to "son" or "daughter"

Enbies - Plural of "Enby"

Enby - Affirming alternative to "boy" or "girl"

Neef/neeph/neiph - Alternative for "niece" or "nephew" (proposed, borrowed from Dutch)

Nibling - Gender-neutral term for "niece", "nephew", or "neef" (found to be infantilising by some non-binary adults)

Scion - Affirming alternative to "daughter" or "son" (proposed, reclaimed from Middle English term meaning "heir", borrowed from botany meaning "new plant that is independent of its parent plant")

Sprog - Alternative to "son" or "daughter" (informal, typically gender-neutral but can be used as non-binary-affirming)


Parents and Grandparents

Granp (IPA: grænp) - Affirming alternative for "grandma" or "grandpa" (informal, proposed)

Grandpar (IPA: græn-peər)- Affirming alternative for "grandma" or "granddad"

Grandparent - Gender-neutral alternative for "grandmother" or "grandfather"

Par (IPA: peər) - Affirming alternative to "mum" or "dad"

Parent - Gender-neutral alternative to "mother" or "father"

Ren - Affirming alternative to "mum" or "dad"

Renny - Affirming alternative to "mummy" or "daddy"

'Rent - Gender-neutral. Short for "parent"

Rere (IPA: reə-reə) - Affirmng alternative to "mama" or "dada"


Extended Family

Ancle (IPA: ænkl) - Affirming alternative to "aunt/ie" or "uncle")

Uncie (IPA: ʌnki:) - Affirming alternative to "aunt/ie" or "uncle")


Partners (Romantic)

Datemate - Gender-neutral term for a person one has an informal romantic involvement with (can be considered infantilising)
Joyfriend - Affirming alternative for "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" (can be considered infantilising)

Partner - Gender-neutral term to describe a person that one is in a relationship with (typically, but not always, romantic)

Spouse - Person one is married to (gender-neutral, typically formal but can be informal)

Wusband - Affirming alternative to "husband" or "wife" (sometimes used by cisgender society to mean "GNC husband or wife")

Gender-Affirming Titles and Formal Language for Non-Binary People


Captain - An alternative to "sir" or "ma'am" (semi-ironic, taken from naval/army terminology)

Dr. - A gender-neutral title for individuals who have a PhD or certain healthcare degrees.

Mx. - An affirming version of "Miss", "Mr", and "Ms". For use by anyone who identifies with the term. Legally recognised in many jurisdictions.

Quing (IPA: ku:ɪŋ) - An affirming alternative for "King" or "Queen"

Gender-Affirming Terms for Non-Binary People In The Workplace


Note: In general, we encourage use of gender-neutral language in the workplace. Terms such as "manageress" or "owneress" are outdated and contribute to harmful gender-based stereotypes.




Actor - Gender-neutral version of "actor/actress". (Used widely for actors of all genders in most countries)



"Neopronouns" are third-person singular pronouns other than "he", "she", or "they". There are a number of reasons why a non-binary person would use neopronouns. For example, a person may prefer neopronouns because they are gender-affirming, unlike "they" which is gender-neutral.

The term "neopronouns" is in fact a misnomer, as examples of such words have been used in English for centuries.




All neopronouns listed will use the following format: they/them/their/theirs/themself


Common neopronouns include:



Less common neopronouns include:





For more information please visit


The author and curator of this dictionary uses they/them/their pronouns and apologises in advance if this page contains errors.

Common Non-Binary Genders


Agender - Lacking gender altogether

Androgyne - A person whose gender contains both male and female aspects

Bigender - Identifying as two genders at once (not necessarily male and female)

Demifemale/demigirl/demiwoman - Partially, but not completely, female ("demigirl" is the most popular variant)

Demimale/demiguy/demiboy/demiman - Partially, but not completely, male ("demiboy" is the most popular variant)

Fa'afafine** - A cultural "third gender" in Samoa (traditionally transfeminine)

Genderfluid - An identity that switches between several different genders

Genderflux - An identity that fluctuates in intensity, or fluctuates between two or more different genders

Genderfree - An alternative version of agender (has been used by "gender critical feminists" to state that they do not believe in the concept of gender identity)

Genderfuck/genderf*ck - A non-binary gender that incorporates androgyny, opposing the gender binary, and has a presentation that artfully challenges the concept of gender itself

Genderless - An alternative version of agender

Genderqueer - A gender that contains elements of both maleness and femaleness, and that is strongly tied in with the person's Queer identity

Hijra** - A Desi term for "transfeminine person". In India, Hijra (as well as transmasculine people) are able to legally be recognised as a "third gender". Many Hijra consider themselves to be "third gender", but some consider themselves to be binary trans women

Maverique - "Third Gender." A gender that does not exist in relation to maleness or femaleness

Neutrois - A gender that exists in relation to maleness and femaleness, and is neutral

Pangender - Identifying as all genders (that are culturally appropriate) at once

Sadhin** - An Indian identity that could be described as "transmasculine" in English

Two-Spirit** - A non-binary gender role found in some Native-American cultures that is also linked in with sexuality

Xenogenders - Genders that are related to objects or concepts, rather than maleness or femaleness. Xenogenders are typically used by neurodivergent people who do not relate to gender in the same way as neurotypical people do. (Eg, stargender, genderfae)

**Some non-binary and trans identities are unique to the culture they originate from. To identify with these concepts while not being from or of that culture is appropriation and is considered highly offensive.

Other Gender-Affirming Language for Non-Binary People


Enby - Alternative to "boy" or "girl" (considered to be infantilising when used in place of "non-binary" to refer to adults)

Enbies - Plural of "enby"

Exorsexism - Prejudice against non-binary people, or identities, for 1) "failing" to fit into the gender binary 2) Being of the "non-binary" sex class, rather than either "man" or "woman"

N-b - Non-binary

N-by - Non-binary (sounds like "enby" and has all of the same problems)

NB - NonBlack (a term used to discuss the nuances of racism)

N.B. - Nota Bene (Latin, "Please Note). A term used to indicate an addendum.

General Terminology Used By and For Trans People


The format here will be


Term - Definition




General Trans Terms

AFAB** - Assigned Female At Birth

AGAB* - Assigned Gender At Birth

AMAB** - Assigned Male At Birth

Androgyny - A gender expression (aesthetic) that incorporates both feminine and masculine elements

ASAB* - Assigned Sex At Birth

AXAB* - Assigned X At Birth (where X is the unknown variable)

*These terms can feel like misgendering so should only be used when "A-AB" is genuinely the best and most specific term for what is meant
**This is especially true for AFAB and AMAB

Cis - Shorthand for "cisgender"

Cisgender - Not transgender. A person who identifies with the gender and sex they were assigned at birth

Cissexism (cissexist) - A prejudice that holds cisgender as "normal" or "default" and considers trans people to be "lesser" or unworthy of consideration

Gender Critical - A person who is "critical" of gender identity and does not see trans people as the gender they identify as

Gender Expression - How a person uses their appearance and mannerisms to outwardly express their relationship with gender

Gender Identity - A person's internal sense of self, knowing themself to be a man, a woman, non-binary, or other

GNC - Gender Non-Conforming

Gender Non-Conforming - A gender expression that does not adhere to socially prescribed gender roles. Gender non-conforming (or GNC) is not the same as non-binary, as it is about gender expression rather than gender identity. Some non-binary people do however feel that having a GNC gender expression partially informs their gender expression

Gender roles - The categorisation by a society as some things (such as clothes, hobbies, mannerisms) being considered as "feminine", "masculine", or "androgynous", and of femininity, masculinity, and androgyny being required of women, men, and non-binary people respectively

Intersex - A person whose body is naturally not 100% binary male or female. "Intersex" is an umbrella term for a number of natural variations, and should only be used by people who are naturally not ambiguously male or female.

Neopronouns - Single person pronouns other than "he", "she", or "they"

Non-Binary - A person who does not consider themself to be either 100% male or 100% female

Pass - Being perceived as a cis person of your gender identity (a controversial term)

Pronouns - The words used in place of somebody's name (eg, he, she, they, xe)

Sex - 1) Sexual intimacy between two or more people 2) Whether a body is physically female, intersex, male, or other 3) (in feminism) A class system of whether a person is treated by society as male, female, or non-binary

TERF - "Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist" A self-identified feminist who excludes trans women from feminism (created by TERFs, now considered, by TERFs, to be a slur)

Trans - Shorthand for transgender

Transfeminine - A woman or non-binary person who was assigned male at birth

Transgender - A person who does not identify with the gender or sex they were assigned at birth

Transmasculine - A man or non-binary person who was assigned female at birth

Transphobia (transphobe, transphobic) - 1) The institutional system of discrimination against trans people 2) Prejudice against trans people, the belief that they are inferior to cis people, or tat being trans is invalid, threatening, a social contagion to be feared and prevented


Medical Terms

Top Surgery - Removal of breast tissue to create a more masculine or more androgynous chest

SRS - Sex Reassignment Surgery. Gender confirmation surgery of the genitals. More commonly called "bottom surgery"

GCS - Gender Confirmation Surgery. Gender confirmation surgery of the genitals. More commonly called "bottom surgery".

GRS - Genital Reassignment/Reconstruction Surgery or Gender Reassignment Surgery. Gender confirmation surgery of the genitals. More commonly called "bottom surgery"

HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy. Commonly used to cause a trans person to go through the puberty that best matches their gender identity

Bottom Surgery - Gender confirmation surgery of the genitals (informal)

Why This Dictionary Exists


A person cannot concieve of themself if they do not have the language to describe themself.

We have created this dictionary to aggregate different terms for describing a non-binary person, so that non-binary people and our loved ones can more easily describe our relationships to others and our place in society.

This is an evolving dictionary. Please contact us if you would like to see a term changed, or if you would like to suggest new terms for us to include.

Contact Info


We strongly encourage non-binary people and knowledgeable allies to get in touch with us if they have any feedback or suggestions.


You can email us at

[email protected]

or get in touch through our CuriousCat